Welcome to the public notes of Daniel Tariq Metcalfe (aka Homostellaris).

What will you find here?

Here you will find anything that I feel may be useful or thought-provoking to others.

Or more likely you will find subjective nonsense designed to satisfy my own self-satisfaction and OCD desire to aimlessly document things I mistakenly believe I have 'figured out'.

Either way, this site may include:

  • Ideas
  • Guides
  • Opinions
  • Musings
  • Rants

Who are you?

You can learn more about me on the about page.

How did you make this site?

Like anyone else my interests are varied so the topics covered will be broad. As I learn and create I make notes in my Obsidian vault which are private by default but occasionally I feel like sharing them.

Alongside a day job, parenting, and hobbies I can't justify the time investment to maintain a personal website that will probably never be viewed by anyone but I've found a nice low-maintenance way to scratch that 'writing' and 'sharing' itch using Flowershow which allows me to publish any note I choose straight from my vault.

Thank you to both Obsidian, Flowershow, and all the software they depend upon for making sites like this possible 🙏

Is this a digital garden?

Kind of, but I don't subscribe to the idea of digital gardens containing everything little thing you think and write in a completely raw form. I like the idea of being 'transparent by default' in other domains but 95% of my notes simply won't deliver value to others and publishing them would only serve to worsen the signal to noise ratio for things that might actually be of interest to others.